Is God Listening?

Is God Listening?


There are times when you question if God is Listening. Does he hear your prayers, private tears, broken heart, and unspoken prayers? Even David at one point had concerns according to the word. The word says he hears the cry and supplications. God is never to busy, he’s omnipresent all at the same time.  Psalm 66:19

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Do You Have God In a Box?

Do You Have God In a Box?

God doesn’t respond to everyone and every situation the same. When we base God on others experience we limit him to what he can do for us. Know that he is limitless and he has the ability to address your circumstance in unconventional ways. Trust, believe and walk by faith. Hebrews 11:6

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How Do You Measure Love?

Every person measures love based on their own life experiences. Some measure love based off what feeds their own needs or personal voids. This can be family, friend, or significant other. Furthermore, love is not demanding, greedy or abusive. Love according to the word is patient, kind, and unselfish. How do those around you measure love? How does it effect you?

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What Do You Do When Someone Obligates You

What Do You Do When Someone Obligates You
Obligated is the act of being held bound to something. When something becomes your duty or commitment. A binding contract or promise to a specific person or situation.
Falsely obligated is being held or bound to something without consent. Expected to do something without agreement, promise or vow. A false claim put upon a person by improper submission.

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