From Hadassah To Queen Esther

The bible speaks of a Queen name Esther. Queen Esther was bold, fearless, humble and obedient. She started life as a sweet young virgin girl named Hadassah who had a heart for her people. Can you imagine going from the citadel of Susa to living in the palace?

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From Shepard to King

The bible speaks of a King named David. David was bold, fearless, a worshiper, with a history of rebellion. David went from shoveling sheep dong to ruling in the palace. Who would have thought that David would have ended up in such a powerful position?

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Ready To Turn That Dream Into your Reality?

Does your Dream consist of the Desire to Start Your Own Business or Blog?

Blue Host is a vital tool that offers web hosting, domains, and secure sites. With Blue Host you can stay in control, customize your site and have the added security. It allows you to store files vital for certain web functions. Click this link for more details and get started.

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Have You Forgiven Them?

When You Forgive Others Your Heavenly Father Also Forgives You

The word tells us that we should always forgive others of their offense so that our Heavenly Father forgives us. He is merciful towards us in times when we fall short. If we confess and repent wholeheartedly he is faithful in forgiving. The only thing that will stop his forgiveness towards us is our failure to forgive. Forgive, let go and receive. Matthew 6:14-15

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Are You Truly Grateful?


Are You Truly Grateful The way You Say You Are?

Often times we profess to be grateful, but are we really grateful? There’s so many things in life to be grateful for so why do we put so much of our energy into the negative and the painful? Gratitude is a unique gift that allows us to see the positive in everything. It opens up the doors of expression for many things.

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Are You Facing Giants in Your Life?

Are you Facing Giants in Your Life?

Along the journey of life we at times face situations that seem bigger than us. What is that giant standing in your way? That one thing that seem bigger, stronger or more powerful than you. Is it a specific circumstance, person, place, mental or physical giant?

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What Are The Benefits of Prayer

What Are the Benefits of Prayer?


There are several benefits to having a consistent prayer life. The bible encourages you to pray continuously. It also says that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man/woman availeth much.” Jame 5:16 How often do you pray? If you do pray, how have you benefited from it?

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Release The Weeds So The Flowers Can Grow


Release The Weeds So The Flowers Can Grow


Weeds in certain circumstances are known to be undesirable. They always show up in the wrong place, usually in places that have potential for harvest. Land that’s full of promise, and hidden destiny, in this case beautiful flowers are always at risk.Weeds usually bring reduction, consumption, and loss. Do you have weeds in your life?

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