Keep Your Receipts

“You have paid”. Your receipts are proof of purchase. How important are your receipts and do you keep your receipts as a record of transactions made on your behalf. Your receipt has more value than you think and can be cashed in at any time. Save your receipts.

Proof of Purchase

A record of goods and services that allows your purchases to be traced when needed. It’s your proof that the price has been paid and once you get your receipt no one can deny you what belongs to you. It’s descriptive; spelled out so you know exactly what you’ve received and the cost. This applies to your life and salvation, a price was paid on your behalf to secure your spiritual rights as a believer. The word of God is your proof of purchase, for all the promises that have been allotted to you.

Pull Out Your Receipt of Purchase

The purchase has been recorded by receipt of the transaction made on your behalf. An itemized record of all items that belong to you. There are times when you have to pull the receipt out as a confirmation of what was bought. Your receipt reflects healing, deliverance, restoration, protection, peace, strength, love and prosperity. Every thing that was purchased on Calvary is itemized through the written word of God. It’s the Grace that release you from the consequences of life.

Cash for Receipt

The receipts allow you to redeem a reward for the purchase that was made previously. Cash in your receipt of purchase for the sacrifice that you made by believing in a process that references history. Before the foundation of the earth, a ransom was paid with you in mind for you to cash in at will when needed. Every time you pick up the word and remind your circumstances of the promises of God, you’re cashing in your receipt of reward. Your request for cash-back on a transaction that was made before times. You are healthy, healed, blessed, favored, strong, the righteousness of God and full of wisdom. Cash it in; taking what belong to you by proof of receipt.

From a Spiritual Standpoint:

The Lord and Savior is your purchase, his sacrifice paid the price and settled the ransom by setting you free from all that afflicts your life. The receipt of the purchase is the written word of God that you can cash in at any time.

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, I thank you for receipts of blessings in your word that allows me to redeem them at any time. My lot has been secured through the price paid on Calvary and the purchase of freedom. Sixty-two receipts that offers cash back without expiration. I am grateful for the receipts that says, I am the Lord that heals thee. I Lord relents and reverse evil pronouncements and misfortunes. I am the Lord that brought you out. I am the light of the Lord, that brightens your path. I am the Lord, the God of every person. He is our Shepherd that goes before us on our behalf. The receipt is our advocate in a time of need. By faith we will receive the receipts that saves.

By Faith

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