Who’s Speaking

Your words are a tree of life and your words carry power; out of the heart, the mouth speaks; revealing what the heart is full of. Life happens, and being a believer has its own battles but what is being spoken determines the outcome. Words are like seeds of sweet fruit, discard them in soil and they will reproduce that of its kind.

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We The People

The history of this country is rich with assorted beliefs and legacies of every nationality known to man. We’ve come so far and overcome so much, but with all that this country has endured, we still find ourselves fighting the same battles repeatedly. We search life for answers to the same struggles from time past with all the technology, intellect, and creativity. When will it end? Are you tired yet?

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Caleb’s Journey to Victory!

Exploring the timeline of Caleb’s journey into the Promiseland is clear and faithful. Follow his journey and reflect on where you are within your journey. Moses has been the main focus of the Promiseland and how he missed it but you never hear much about those who made it like Caleb. Caleb made it in the Promiseland and received the fruit of his labor.

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Not Even That

In life, you will face many obstacles and situations and none of them can stop you. “Not Even That”. You were born with a blueprint; a purpose only you can fulfill. Uniquely designed and predestined for greatness; you are mandated to believe in yourself and his divine plan. If you have the desire, courage, and willingness to surrender and follow; “Not even that” can stop it”.

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Dear Subliminal Message

I see you, but I don’t know what you’re saying. Your words are silent, and your nonverbal communication is conflicting. I don’t want to misunderstand you; the louder you get, the more distant you become. Are you trying to say something? Are you talking to me?

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The Test of Moses

Moses imperfections didn’t stop God from using him for a greater purpose. Find out how certain areas of your life relate to Moses and his test of faith. Identify the resilience that caused you to pass your own test. .

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The Main Event

The event has been scheduled and the tickets are being sold to see a fight. The opponents are heavyweights and are in it to win. With padded gloves, each opponent shows up to show off their craftsmanship and prove to the world; that they are the best.

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Freedom is the state of living life without restraint. Exercising your independence in every area of your life. Being liberated in the mind, body, spirit, and soul. Your being free is operating in your authority and divine power. Are you free?

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Overcome It

You can overcome it even though certain days contradict your confidence to believe. You won’t be the first to do it and you can lead the way. It always sounds easy but listen to David’s testimony to victory.

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Selective Communication

minimalist photography of three crank phones

Communication is essential. It’s impossible for you to move through life without communicating with others. Regardless of the method, everyone communicates in some form. Selective communication; how often do you do it? Choosing when, who, and how you communicate with others.

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