Are You Truly Grateful?


Are You Truly Grateful The way You Say You Are?

Often times we profess to be grateful, but are we really grateful? There’s so many things in life to be grateful for so why do we put so much of our energy into the negative and the painful? Gratitude is a unique gift that allows us to see the positive in everything. It opens up the doors of expression for many things.

Things to Be Grateful For

In every situation or aspect of life there’s something to be grateful for. A few areas in life consist of spiritual, family, health, social, and personal. If we take a moment and think about the different areas of our lives, we will find that it could have been worse. The fact that we are still able to think about it is a moment to be grateful. Being grateful in the midst of a negative situation can lessen the weight of whatever is weighing us down. The word of God encourages that we give thanks in all things. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Why Should We Be Grateful

Being Grateful allows us to look at the positive side of a situation. It makes what seemed impossible, possible. Gratefulness changes our approach, shifts our emotions, gives us hope and increases faith. It alleviates toxins within and allows us to feel more at peace in the midst of undesirable situations. Gratefulness is a choice and it determines your attitude. The word of God tells us to let peace rule our hearts an be thankful. Colossians 3:15

How Being Grateful Affects Life

We will be at peace and make better decisions walking in a grateful state of mind. It opens up the spirit to receive at a greater dimension. We will avoid health issues, and rid us of stress caused by circumstances. It allows us to build healthier relationships. Gratefulness leaves room for healthier social experiences. It also minimizes the mountains we face from time to time. Allow the fruits of the spirit to be the center of every circumstance according to the word. Galatians 5:22-23

From a Spiritual Standpoint:

We know that all things work together for our good when we love God, so look for the positive in the midst of situations and unusual storms. Walking in gratitude releases the burden and allows us to trust God more. Look for the answers in the word and stay prayerful.

Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father we pray that you will open our eyes to see the positive in every situation. I pray for a spirit of gratitude to over take us leaving us in perfect peace. He is our strength, our rock and refuge, and he is a present help.

By Faith

(do not own the rights to the picture, give credit to owner unknown)

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